Studio Policies
THE SHOP, at its core, is a sacred space and we encourage our students, guests, and our studio community to embrace and embody their yoga practice and philosophies, both on and off the mat. At all times we encourage respect, responsibility, and reflection and in doing so, we ask that all that join us practice mindfulness— to our building, to our teachers and to other students.
To that end our brand of yoga also encourages joyfulness and the celebration of your own individual spirt because, after all, yoga is too important to be taken seriously! So, while you concentrate on your breath, also focus on your joy, and allow it to expand your heart space in you and to everyone around you!
In consideration of others and our sanctuary we do ask our kula to consider and respect the following general practices when attending a class, workshop, or event:
No Cell Phones
We understand in modern times how important communication can be to our daily lives. However, during yoga classes and workshops we ask that you honor your own practice and allow yourself to go off-grid, both to enhance your focus on your own practice and to allow others around you, freedom from the distraction. If you absolutely must have the ability to receive an emergency call or text, please silence your phones and quietly step out of the practice area to respond or tend to your business. On occasion, you may want to video instruction, and in all cases, please get permission from the instructor before class to do so.
Promote Wellness
If you’re feeling sick or showing signs of illness, please honor the well-being of others and consider resting at home and joining us another day. Similarly, if you find yourself becoming unwell during a class or workshop, we ask that you disengage from the event and focus on taking care of yourself. THE SHOP has a first-aid kit and general supplies for certain conditions located in the restrooms. Please ask the teacher or a member of our staff for assistance if needed.
Seva and Dharma Exchange Program
We welcome the generous donations of our students’ time in the form of Seva and a Dharma Exchange program, which we are happy to consider for those students who might be struggling financially to fit a formally taught practice into their budget. Please reach out to us at info@parkcityyoga.com to learn more. In addition, we welcome any student’s donation of time to assist us with the upkeep of the studio through helping to tidy up after classes, workshops or community gatherings. Through Community we engage in the practice of Other.
No Fragrances
Because oftentimes our classes can attract many participants, your mat may be in very close proximity from the ones around you. Please refrain from wearing perfumes or colognes which may irritate another’s senses and distract them from their practice. Natural ayurvedic products are typically allowed if applied lightly.
No Shoes
As a bow to the traditional and because our studio floor is heated and of a resplendent, but sensitive paint treatment, we ask that all footwear (except socks) be removed and not worn on the practice floor once you check in for a class workshop or event. There will be certain occasions where we install a temporary floor over the existing one for dances or community events, but our general rule is no-shoes-allowed.
Please plan on arriving a minimum of fifteen minutes before a class or workshop start time to park, check-in, use the restrooms if needed, and set up your practice area with your mat and needed props. We encourage you to get yourself centered, stretch, warm up and otherwise prepare your mind and body for your class and expansion into Spirit.
If you arrive to a class or workshop that is already in session, please quietly check in and wait to join the practice until such an opportunity where there is a natural pause in the instructor’s flow.
When leaving, please gather all your belongings and, if you borrowed THE SHOP’s yoga mat and/or props and equipment, please use the available sanitizing products and area to thoroughly wipe down and restore the items to their dedicated space.
If you find yourself needing to leave a class or workshop early, please quietly gather your things and depart. If you borrowed THE SHOP’s equipment, simply leave it behind and another member of the kula will happily sanitize and return the items to their dedicated space following class.
Other Studio Disclosures
Physical Activity Disclosure
Yoga involves physical activity and moving of the body’s muscles and joints, sometimes to the edge of each individual’s natural range of motion. This requires that the participant be focused and mindful throughout the class to avoid and minimize the risk of injury. It is not uncommon at one time or another for a participant in yoga exercise to exert muscles and joints beyond their limits and to potentially suffer personal injury. Most injuries are usually limited to soreness, or are otherwise minor in nature, but such injuries could be more severe.
The student shall be attentive to his or her own limitations and modify the exercises and poses as needed with the assistance of the instructor(s). If the student is in any pain while performing an exercise or pose, especially acute pain or burning, they shall slowly and mindfully back out of the activity and seek assistance from the instructor or assistant on how to modify the pose or stretch.
Participant Disclosure to
Instructor or Presenter
Before beginning the class or workshop, the student will notify the instructors of any injuries or medical conditions which could in any way affect their participation in the class or workshop. This includes, but is not limited to, any heart conditions, hypertension, previous or recent surgeries, structural issues (especially spinal-related injuries or conditions), pregnancy or any other health concerns which could affect participation, and to inform prudent modifications as may be indicated.